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Character Set Mapping (mismapped Kanji/Chinese)

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:35 am
by Mr.V600
List of characters that might show up in filenames and what they should be

~ = ~
! = ! (Kanji/UTF version of !...uses 2 character width)
& = &
/ = /(Kanji/UTF version of forward slash / , can be used in Windows and Linux file names as alternative to forward slash)
? = ? (Kanji/UTF version of question mark ? , Can be used in Windows file names)
* = *(kanji/UTF version of asterisk)
> = >
< = <
ΓåÆ = →
Γÿå = ★ or ☆
ΓÖ¬ = ♪
ΓÖí = ♥ (actual character is a white heart, but may not render correctly in windows. Use the black heart)
ΓÖÑ = ♥
ΓÇó = •
ΓÇô = –
ΓÇÖ = '
ΓǪ = … (3 dots in 1 character)
ΓÇá = †
ΓÇ£ = 『
ΓÇ¥ = 』
Γê₧ = ∞
ΓêÜ = √
Γùï = ○ (a circle, not a zero or oh)
┼ì = ō
┼½ = ū
├╝ = ü
├ù = × (kanji version of x)
├ñ = ä
├⌐ = é
╧ë = ω
╬╝ = μ
─½ = ī
─ü = ā
─Ç = Ā
πâ╝ = ー
πâ╗ = ・ (Dot in middle height)
πÇ£ = 〜
πÇÉ = 【
πÇæ = 】
π⃠= ミ
πÇê =〈
πÇë = 〉